Thursday, April 2, 2020

                                                   HINDSIGHT OF 2020

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the State of California deem that Doctors of Chiropractic are an extremely valuable asset to the healthcare infrastructure, providing essential services to patients, limiting the strain on the urgent and emergency care systems during this healthcare crisis, thus they are part of the essential critical infrastructure workforce.

And now as more of you are sheltered in, working from home with poor ergonomics, increased device use, isolated, not able to go to the gym or group exercise classes, sedentary, and bombarded by negative media and stressful hype, you may need chiropractic services now more than ever.

The TMJ Therapy and Chiropractic Suites are open and operating in 'Safe Mode'.
This means:
-All surfaces that can be touched are being sanitized before and  after a patient visit
-Only one patient at a time in the clinic
-Only patients with no exposure to COVID and no symptoms can be treated here
-Doctor wearing mask, gloves, and following personal safety hygiene protocols
We have control over our how we feel, if vigilant we can easily control the ABC's of wellness.         'A' stands for your attitude, 'B' stands for behaviors, and 'C' for choices.

Recognizing the ABCs pertaining to the 3 factors that influence the natural stasis of good health, are thoughts, toxins, and traumas.

What choices are you making? What behaviors are you practicing? What is your general outlook and attitude about life? These will either enhance or undermine your natural state of wellness.

Even in best of times these can be difficult to manage, and now as the world is in crisis mode, it is going to take a more concerted effort to be vigilant. Now is the time, control what you have control over, and let go of the rest. The choice is yours.

    Thoughts: Stay in the present moment. Focus on the positive.
Do your thoughts contain any of these? Delete and replace!
Global issues, American infrastructure worries, individual and family health concerns, loss of income, anxiety, less freedom, frustration, social isolation, impeded sleep, no religious service attendance, no extended family functions, too much immediate family interface, worries, fretting about past issues, projecting negative future scenarios, insecurity, etc.

  Toxins: Use your time to cook local, organic, healthy recipes.
Are you consuming any of these?
Easy to grab foods (processed, pesticides, chemicals, additives),
comfort foods (higher in sugars, carbohydrates, salt, unhealthy fats), alcohol, over the counter medicines, tobacco.
    Traumas: Be aware of body position and move frequently
These behaviors aren't helping!
Dining table ergonomics, decreased activity, increased static postures, tossing and turning at night, increased use of devices, more sofa time, sedentary.

I'm finding more and more of my patients are telling me they have found a personal silver lining to this sheltering time. From the benefits of less pollution, less commuting, less money being spent, to a clearer understanding of their priorities, connecting at a deeper level with loved ones, being more creative, planning fun activities with the family, getting nagging projects completed, to learning something new. Don't spend this time or your valuable energy on any negative aspects.

What is going to be your silver lining and personal 'Hindsight of 2020'?

I'm looking forward to helping you and your family with your ABCs!
Text 408-839-3454 to schedule your private appointment today.