Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tingling Tongue

Tingling tongue? Tongue incompetence (doesn't do what you intended-slurring words) 
Burning on top of palate in mouth? 
Numbness in lower lip and skin of the chin?
Pain in the bottom molars without tooth problems?

These symptoms can attributed to TMD. (Temporal Mandibular Disorder)

The nerve that supplies these sensations can be compressed or pinched due to the relationship of where they lay and the mandible's condyle.  An anterior and medially displaced disc of the ™J is likely to interfere with these nerves during movement of the condyle of the jaw.

If it is caused by TMD these symptoms, and ones like these, can be successfully and quickly resolved with The TMJ Therapy. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Last week a patient arrived with Bell's Palsy (a sudden inflammation of the facial nerve causing the muscles of one side of the face to not work resulting in one sided face drooping)

Her left eye was not able to close, the her mouth on that side could't smile or pucker.

I treated her with The TMJ Therapy process for 5 sequential days and by day 6 she could hold water in her mouth (close and pucker) and close her eye! She reported a 90% improvement in symptoms!

When the nerve is being inflamed for 'no reason' there always is a reason, let's assume impingement first, get the pressure off nerve, pressure from a tightened muscle, or misaligned bone (mandible, cranial bone, spinal bone) before drugs or surgery!!

There's no need to suffer any longer.