Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Victim of TMJ pain?  No more!

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction is a multi-factoral condition consisting of some or all of these components:  Joint subluxations, body positioning, muscle imbalance, neurologic interference, nutritional considerations, occlusion, and psychosocial/psychosomatic characteristics.

Unless all of these contributing aspects are addressed at the same time, resolution is fleeting.

The TMJ Therapy addresses all aspects at the same time, empowering you with knowledge and solutions to address what you have control over. 

Lets take joint subluxation into consideration on this post.

Research states that subluxation (or misalignment) of the TMjoint is fairly frequent.
Subluxation can produce symptoms you are experiencing: clicking/popping, pain, limited movement, etc.  Subluxations is the speciality of Chiropractors.

Chiropractic care is a systems-based, whole-person approach to health care.  It incorporates the recognition that all aspects of the body are interrelated and interdependent and that organisms have powerful self-healing mechanisms. The primary aim of chiropractic health care is to support and, when possible, improve the natural functions and processes inherent to life. This is accomplished through manual procedures including mobilization and manipulation (4), or adjustments, using their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, specific, high velocity thrust, with a low level force to a joint that has abnormal movement patterns, fail to function normally, are hypermobile or hypomobile, or dyskinetic (also called a subluxation) (4). The goal of the chiropractic adjustment is to reduce the subluxation and correct structural alignment, improving musculoskeletal joint range of motion, the body's physical ability to function, while decreasing nerve irritability.(5)  Often DCs incorporate physiotherapy modalities and procedures, lifestyle counseling, nutritional advice and supplements, and other measures. (3)

A joint can become subluxated and malfunctional as a kinesiopathogical joint lesion (usually hypomobility) that develops as a consequence of:  Micro and/or macro traumatic causing tissue injury and the associated inflammatory response; degenerative changes in muscular and connective tissues, decreased descending inhibitory pathway activity due to aberrant psychological states; dysafferentation (i.e., increased nociception and decreased mechanoreception which can be caused by some or all of the above. (14)

"You mean it's TMD???"

When you've gotten so many diagnosis from so many specialist, and the 'band aid' symptom relievers are piling up with no resolution...

Time to quit covering up the symptoms, and unravel the cause.  That takes time, and effort.
Effort on the part of the practitioner AND the symptom sufferer.  Are you ready to work a little and never have to experience / fall victim to these debilitating symptoms?

With relatively little cost and time, the solution is as close as your next bite of bagel!

The TMJ Therapy is the solution!  Created to get to and eliminate the root cause of the problem.